
Saturday, January 1, 2011

cliche, but personally necessary.

Happy new year, blah blah blah and all that jazz. I am generally not incredibly stoked about the whole new year thing. But this year is different for some reason, maybe it's the fact that I am settling into my life as a mom, or maybe it's the fact that I turned 21 in this year...last year I mean, and I am really settling into my life as an adult. Maybe it's both. But this year, I have resolutions, and I have every intention of following through with them, as I have chosen plausible resolutions. I overly organized them and realized that by my categories, I have made it a lot more possible to actually complete them!

There are different kind of resolutions, there are overall goals for the year, deadline goals, and actual habit changes--the most important, in my opinion. I have several from all of these categories.

Consider this my self-agreement, because I will continually update you all on these goals as the year passes, and keep a checklist! I feel that by making this agreement publicly I will be held accountable. Today is 1-1-11.

In 2011 I plan to:

*RENEW, REUSE, and RECYCLE as much as I can because it is not only incredible for the environment, it is good for my soul, and a great money saver!
*Complete the Slim in 6 video series, and adapt to a healthier lifestyle. I get lazy and quit diets and work out regimens regularly which is why another one of my goals is to:
       *BE MORE ORGANIZED--I am a great organizer, I just need to use that skill more in my overall life.
*Save money in an organized manner.
*Make lists! LOTS OF LISTS! My fiance and I have agreed upon actually using a grocery list, because it will save us a lot of time and money, for obvious reasons-plus I am a shopaholic. But we will also keep running lists of things we WANT and things we NEED. 
*Give myself a monthly "planning day" to check up on myself and get plans, schedules and such together.
*Take more photos and videos (I will soon be writing a blog post about this goal separately to share my passion for the importance of this goal to me)
*Do a weekly dinner (and maybe a movie-I want to watch more movies)
*FINALLY finish making our apartment a home by
     -completing a guest area and an art space
     -reupholster furniture that needs some TLC
*Write stuff down in a notebook! I make a billion notes to myself, and I always lose them. I want to keep notes of different events, quotes, anecdotes, ideas, etc. to reflect on later.
*Be a better bookkeeper
*Pay it forward.

I am not so much excited for the new DATE year as I am for a fresh slate. Happy 2011.


  1. Ooooh, can't wait for the post for the goal about videos and photos.

    Wow, really good resolutions... they sound like even if you could only do one of them, it would be really beneficial. My favourite is the monthly planning day, that's a really good idea!

    Aoife x

  2. I NEED that day! LOL and one of my favorites is the notebook, I am learning that as I look back and see old pictures and spark old memories, it is so much fun and joyous, and being that my daughter will be 2 this month, I want to share things with her. It would be GREAT for her, AND myself to have little notes and doodles from each year! and to have all my little "notes" that get lost in my purse in one place too. hehe...and the photos and videos is kinda the same idea. I realized when watching some of the videos on my camera, that I missed a lot of milsetones, like Madalyn walking...and that the videos I did see of simple things like her smiling, i really want more of--because those memories become so distant and I have a HUGE fear of losing them, so I want to capture more of my lifes moments. :)
