Most memorable moment with sibling? My brother and I never really got along very well. He is 2 and a half years older than me, and we fought a lot. He always picked on me of course, he thought I was the golden child and was jealous of me. Let me assure you my mom loved us both the same, but I was sort of a goody goody. I remember one time, he stole ALL of my pokemon cards and put them in a box in his closet. I asked him where they went, and he told me someone came in and stole them. YEAH, like some random guy would come in and steal only my pokemon cards, and I wouldn’t have noticed, and he would want NOTHING else. Riiiiight. I threw a little fit, and stole them back another time. I think it might be a little sad that this is one of my most memorable moments…maybe I will share more later; or maybe I will continue to harbor resentment for the thievery of my pokemon cards; there were Japanese holographics in there!
*Most memorable moment with friends?* This will be a separate post…or several…at a later time.
What was your school experience like in...
elementary school I LOVED elementary school, so much fun, and so many friends, and “boyfriends” and so little to worry about. One of my most memorable elementary school friends (besides Amber) is Dana! We were practically inseparable, and were forever getting in trouble. Some others were Marissa & Michelle, we had a lot of sleepovers!
middle school middle school was mostly bad experiences. Lets leave it alone. Hehe.
high school believe it or not I really enjoyed high school, mostly the social aspects of it of course, but I had a spectacular group of friends.
What do you think the silliest thing you ever did as a kid? I am a very silly person, so I definitely don’t think I could pinpoint one. I have come millimeters away from getting a kid to eat rabbit poop, and I have made a fat suit for myself to go to the park in. I have also spent many hours in the mall seal barking at people. Maybe those will be fun stories for later.
Did you ever get in trouble as a teenager, and if so, what kind of stuff did you do? This…is a loaded question… the answer…is yes. I got into trouble for just about everything a teenager could get in trouble for. But I am one of those people that really and truly learns from mistakes…for the most part, and I really try to advocate to teens when I can to help guide them in the right direction.
to be continued.